
Q1 Describe the difference between an XML Sitemap and a HTML Sitemap. List the benefits and disadvantages of using each.
HTML- Is written in an easy to understand format that displayes and describes data and showshow the website will be structured.
XML- “Extensible Markup Langauge”, this langauge is formatted for representing data in structured ways to be read quickly amoung computer software

Q2 Evaluate three IDE’s (Integrated development environments) and provide a brief summary on the positive and negative aspects of each. Also, in your own words include how it would suit an entry level trainee code developer.

Microsoft visual studio – a creative platform for trainee code developers, it helps with writing code for applications.
IDE - IDE was designed for the coding lanauge of Python it also supports XML and custom lanauges.
Eclipse Che – java-based and Opend sourced developer workspace server and an online IDE. Used for creating Plug-ins for langauges or tools.
Q3 Provide a brief history on web browser development and the issues encountered by web developers, specifically, the adherence to web standards.

The first web server was created in 1990. The 1st browser was just called TheWorldWidWeb, 1992 Lynx was created, just a text based browser which couldn’t display graphical content. 1993 Moasaic was the first browser to allow images emmbed in text. 1994 Mosaic created a new feature called netscaoe navigator, 1995 Internet explore was debuted as microsoft’s first web broswer.1996 opera started as a reasearch project in 1994 and went public in 1996.2003 apple realeased Safari for mac computers,2004 Morzilla launched FireFox while Netscape Navigator was fading out. 2007 Safari launched a mobile browser for apple Iphones. 2008 Google Chrome lanuched and was very popular, 2011 Opera Mini was released to focus on moblie Browsing market, 2015, Microsoft Edge was released to compete with Google Chrome.

Before web standards there was no requrements to how information was shared or stored on the internet or requrements on who could acess what information. As well as issues with how certain websites were written to fit the browser it was made for, this would sometimes mean the website woukd be blocked for certain people and the content would have to be rebuilt into that format making developers create 3 or 4 versons of their websites. Sometimes this would create poor reverse compatibility in other browsers, web standards were intoducted to protct the ecosytem for the internet to keep it free and accessible.

Q4 What are website testing methodologies? Your answer MUST cover browser compatibility, and website functionality
Functionality testing of a website, several testing parameters such as userinterface, apis database testing and security testing and server testing, you test all the links in your webpage to ensure they all work and are broken links as Test form scripting, test cookies test html and css. Compatibilty Testing - this is using various web browser to test if the website displays over different browsers correctly.
Usability testing, this is testing he site’s navigation, the menus or buttons and links to other pages on your website as well as test the content on the websit
Compatibilty Testing - this is using various web browser to test if the website displays over different browsers correctly.
Q5 What are the endorsed requirements of accessibility for all NT Government webpages?
Perceviable, Make sure to provide text alternatives for non-text content. So it can be converted into a media more accesible, such as: Larger prints, Braille, speech symbols and simplified langauge
Operable, ensure that the website can be acsessed with just a keyboard, make sure the website gives users enough time to read the contents. Enure that the website is safe from cause from epileptic seizures with flashing graphics and lights. Lastly, make sure it is easy for users to identify where they are on a website and how to get where they need to.
Understandable, Make sure the text is a readable size. Make the website predicable and appear predictable. Instructions for users to learn how to use the website and correct any mistakes they may make.
Robust, Contents must be vigorous to be reliable enough to be accessed from multiple platforms with ease.
Q6 How do you think it’s best to organise all the assets used for a specific webpage? Think locally on your computer AND within the root folder of the website.
Folder structure,Folder Structure needs to be simple an intutive, so it can be easily read. Asset and folder names should describe their contnent.
Group assets, Assets should be grouped in folders.
Sorting Names, names should ne short by starting with an underscore, numerically and alphabetically.